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- {ta{M{6
- T H E D I V I S I O N B E L L T O U R
- {C{9
- {E{7
- Having seen the Paris leg of the
- current Pink Floyd tour I figured I
- might as well type a little review. A
- word of warning though if you haven't
- seen the concert yet but plan to, I
- suggest you don't bother reading this
- article. I wouldn't want to ruin the
- surprise(s).
- Having arrived at the field almost 5
- hours before the concert started I
- figured instead of wasting time I'd
- make sure I got a good spot to watch
- from so I sort of rushed round the
- field bought a few T-shirts and a
- programme and then went over to the
- stage to see how close I could get.
- {E{7After climbing over a few guys I ended
- up about 20-30 heads back from the
- front of the crowd and fairly near the
- centre and of course being about 6 1/2
- foot tall I had the most amazing view
- going.
- Before the concert started such
- musical gems as "I shot the sheriff"
- and that one that goes "I don't like
- reggae, I love it" was playing perhaps
- to make the Floyd's music sound
- better. Anyway half past nine rolled
- around, the sun went down and the
- intro started. This had presumably
- been specifically created for this
- tour as I'd never heard it before. It
- {ta{E{7was a sort of mix of noises out of the
- countryside making full use of the
- amazing surround sound that Pink Floyd
- claim to have invented. Anyway this
- countryside thing went on for about
- quarter of an hour with a full
- complement of cows mooing, birds
- tweeting, crashing aeroplanes, rivers
- and tanks. Afterwards most people
- seemed to think it was bollocks but
- personally I thought it was really
- smart.
- Finally the first track made a start
- obviously this was gonna be Shine On.
- My first impression was "Fuck me, this
- is loud", my second thought was "Wow
- this is fucking excellent", to my
- surprise the quality of music was
- almost perfect, I expected that Pink
- Floyd playing live wouldn't be half as
- good as anything they produced in a
- studio but to be honest with the
- hundreds of speakers and the complete
- surround sound it was better. True I
- did have a bit of a feeling that the
- music was all coming through my right
- ear as I was a bit closer to one side
- of the stage than the other but most
- of the time the music was so fucking
- loud you couldn't tell where the hell
- it was coming from. Anyone who is
- going to see them at Earl's Court or
- where ever make sure you are dead
- centre for absolutely perfect balance
- as other people I talked to who
- weren't quite as close to the centre
- of the stage said it was a lot worse.
- Like I said the first track was Shine
- On and this is where the Pink Floyd
- flying screen made an appearance.
- Imagine this 40ft high circular screen
- with, at a guess, about 36 spinning
- lights around the edge rising up from
- {ta{E{7under the band reaching a point in the
- centre of the domed stage and then
- using the most powerful projector in
- the whole world a massive film
- depicting scenes from Syd Barrett's
- life is beamed onto it. In case you
- didn't know Shine On You Crazy Diamond
- is about Syd Barrett's journey through
- life and so no matter how much Tummo
- complains they are gonna obviously
- show a film with him in.
- Because the stage is a huge dome they
- managed to fit hundreds (if not
- thousands) of lights, lasers, smoke
- makers and more lights into the roof.
- So imagine a huge semi circle that is
- completely filled with different
- coloured smoke and laser beams and
- basically this huge mass of colour.
- Right, I can't really remember exactly
- which order the songs went in as a)
- I've got a crap memory and b) it was
- all too mindblowing for me to take
- much notice so I'll just go through
- the interesting ones. For example the
- track "One Of These Days (I'm going to
- cut you into little pieces)" lead up
- to the half time interval. Dave
- Gilmour's slide guitar makes its
- appearance and bloody excellent it was
- too. But the one thing we were all
- waiting for was the famous pigs.
- These have taken a complete
- redesigning and now have massive horns
- and this really evil look about 'em.
- The search light eyes were still there
- but instead of flying across the crowd
- they sort of popped up out of the top
- of the speaker towers and sort of
- wobbled around throughout the song and
- then right at the end they sort of
- {ta{E{7dumped 'em off the top of the tower
- onto the floor, not so much flying
- pigs as plummeting pigs, not quite so
- effective but more realistic I s'pose.
- Some time in the middle of the second
- half they played Astronomy Domine.
- The huge flying screen floats back up
- again and the projector comes back
- into play putting these massive
- pictures of planets and moons wooshing
- across the back of the stage. Despite
- Pink Floyd saying that they are
- getting back to their roots (usually
- this is code for "we haven't written
- any new songs" but not this time) this
- was the only really old track they
- played, I was hoping to hear things
- like Interstellar Overdrive and See
- Emily Play but instead they more or
- less played the same tracks as the
- last tour. One thing they did do
- which harked back to the good old days
- was the crap projections of bubbling
- water and a marker pen being pushed
- about a piece of plastic on the back
- of the stage during a few tracks. Oh
- and of course the flying screen is
- from pretty far back but then they've
- always used that.
- The video to "Time" has been done up
- quite a bit. Instead of the crummy
- old Monty Python style animations of
- clocks spinning around and wooshing
- all over the place they've created an
- amazing computer generated sequence
- with, you guessed it, clocks spinning
- around and wooshing all over the
- place. Despite the fact that it's the
- same idea it definitely looks a lot
- better.
- {ta{E{7The video to "Money" has also taken
- some changes, imagine aliens coming to
- Earth with a magic stick that creates
- huge piles of money, great eh? Well
- no not really or so says Pink Floyd.
- You really have to have been there to
- understand how stunning it is to hear
- all those cash register noises at the
- start of the track coming from
- completely different points in the
- field, pretty bloody mindblowing,
- that's how stunning it was.
- Hang on, I've missed out the lasers,
- let me tell you about the lasers, they
- are the most powerful ones ever used
- in the entertainment business, they
- got the design off of NASA and in
- America they had to get their own
- airslot so that no aeroplanes would be
- hit by them. They turned on these
- lasers and they were so powerful that
- when you turned round to see if they
- were pointing at anything you couldn't
- tell where they ended, I mean these
- lasers simply vanished off into the
- distance.
- Umm, I've missed the explosions as
- well, during some track or another
- there were these massive balls of fire
- rising up out of the stage, I was
- standing fairly far back and I thought
- "bloody hell, that's hot" so christ
- knows what it was like up the front.
- I can't remember what track they
- played at the end but I do remember
- that I was standing there watching the
- stage when I noticed that everyone
- else was looking backwards so I turned
- around and there's this fucking
- massive glitter ball, probably about
- 40-50ft high rising up out of what I
- {ta{E{7thought was the projection room and
- spinning around. Imagine these two
- massive spotlights trained onto the
- ball and thousands of little specks of
- light wizzing around and around the
- whole fucking field, I don't know what
- it looked like from the sky but I'd've
- payed good money to see it. Anyway,
- this ball spins round for a bit and
- then it sort of opens up like some
- sort of massive flower, inside there's
- this huge light and so patterns were
- still being projected onto the back of
- the stage.
- I'm told that a lot of the French guys
- actually left when Dave said "This is
- our last song" (well obviously they
- said it in French), talk about stupid,
- the more intelligent amongst us hung
- around waiting for the fake encore,
- and sure enough it was there. I'm
- can't quite remember which two tracks
- they played, it was definitely Run
- Like Hell and I think Comfortably Numb
- as well. Interestingly enough two of
- the three tracks that Gilmour co-wrote
- on The Wall (they'd already played
- "Young Lust" earlier in the set).
- Anyway, luckily the end to Run Like
- Hell is pretty long and so they had
- plenty of time to introduce a whole
- bunch of new lights and spin the
- flying screen round so that it was
- aiming at the crowd and obviously all
- the lights on it are changing colours
- and wooshing around then it sort of
- kept spinning until it's aiming at the
- band and it was about now that the
- fireworks start. We are talking BIG
- fireworks here, not your piddly little
- Guy Fawke's night crap but major
- league multiple loud explosion
- fireworks. If I remember rightly it
- {ta{E{7was at this time that we cue shouting,
- cue cheering and cue leaving.
- Right I'll leave you with a list of
- the tracks that I remember them
- playing, although don't forget that
- the whole thing was about 3 hours long
- so I've probably missed a few out.
- {C{6In no particular order.
- {F{5 Shine On You Crazy Diamond
- (the first couple of parts),
- High Hopes,
- One of These Days,
- Astronomy Domine,
- Us and Them,
- Run Like Hell,
- Wish You Were Here,
- Time,
- Money,
- Another Brick In The Wall Part 2,
- Comfortably Numb,
- What Do You Want From Me,
- Poles Apart,
- Take It Back,
- Keep Talking,
- Sorrow,
- Young Lust.
- {E{7I accept no responsibility for the
- accuracy of this list or the fact that
- everything is probably in the wrong
- order, if you want a more accurate
- report you can bloody well wait till
- after I've been to the Earl's Court
- gig or go yourself.
- {ta
- {E{6Last note by TUMMO/Dual Frormat,
- personally I think what they did with
- Shine On was a complete load of
- pretentious arse, what the fuck are
- they hoping to achieve by exploiting
- the man that they owe their existance
- to, I mean having a kid on stage
- pretending to be Barret?!?!?!!?
- {A{:
- End.
- {PH